All The Pretty Little Horses
This painting began as a way of climbing up from a deep well of grief I fell into when a close friend passed away in February and then another one in March. Painting this was a way of actively meditating on imagery and colors that soothed my heart. Through working on this farm in Goshen, Kentucky, I've been lucky enough to know these horses for almost two years, and being around their massively sensitive presence never feels less magical. I grew up not far from here, and the green of this landscape is as comforting to me as hearing my favorite song for the nth time. The title of this painting comes from the title of an early American folk lullaby that also comes from a place of sorrow but aims to comfort. (It has been reinvented countless times, but my favorite version is by Alan Lomax.) Making this was like singing a lullaby to myself and performing a self-healing alchemy trick.
36 x 36 x 1.5